Sun Yonghong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited some enterprises to investigate

Sun Yonghong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited some enterprises to investigate


On August 15, Sun Yonghong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, led comrades in charge of relevant departments to conduct research on Qingdao Jindian Biochemical Equipment Co., Ltd., Qingdao Huayi IKEA Furniture Co., Ltd., and Qingdao Jiayou Mold Technology Co., Ltd. to learn more about the production operations and future development plans of the enterprises. , coordinate on-site to solve relevant problems encountered in the development process of the enterprise.

At Qingdao Jindian Biochemical Equipment Co., Ltd., Sun Yonghong went deep into the production workshop and laboratory to carefully understand product development, production and sales. When I heard that the company has 7 practical patents and has been recognized as a "specialized and special new" enterprise in Qingdao, a high-tech enterprise in Qingdao, and a municipal enterprise technology center in Qingdao, especially when the next step is to vigorously introduce strategic partners, He was very happy and praised the company's product market potential and broad development prospects. Regarding the difficulties and problems encountered in the development of enterprises, Sun Yonghong dispatched on-site office dispatch, instructing relevant departments to study and solve them as soon as possible, and encouraged enterprises to further increase scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the research and development of new products, and improve market competitiveness.

During the investigation, Sun Yonghong asked all departments at all levels to continue to carry out in-depth "three advancements and three promotions" service economic development activities, emancipate their minds, have the courage to take responsibility, and take the initiative to solve problems for enterprises, provide efficient services to enterprises, and promote the stable and healthy development of enterprises.

Municipal leaders Yang Shenghai and Zhao Fahai participated in the research activities.


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